The Origin of Evil
Will speaks into the fall of man, how evil came to be in the world and some of the knock on affects.
William Pearce
The Origin of Work and Rest
Nadine speaks into God's work of creation and our work as His image bearers, and then outlines the importance of rest.
Nadine Weedall
The Origin of Community
Matt looks at how the first ever human relationship was a marriage and how this is foundational to healthy society today.
Matthew Weedall
The Origin of Humanity
Genesis tells us that it was God who created humans and Matt speaks into the significance of this.
Matthew Weedall
The Origin of Everything
Will starts our series in Genesis looking at the first few verses of the Bible which reveal a lot about the beginning of our world.
William Pearce
Give Him No Rest!

Matt shares the call from Isaiah 62 to be a people who call on the name of the Lord and how as a church we are launching prayer pods.

Matthew Weedall
Free Topics
[ 94 Episodes ]
We regularly have guest speakers at King's and give our preaching team the chance to share what God has been placing on their hearts.
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Disciple - Understanding Your Journey
[ 3 Episodes ]
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Why Prayer Matters
[ 8 Episodes ]
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Tuning In
[ 5 Episodes ]
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Connect Day
[ 4 Episodes ]
We had a day away with 2 other churches in our region to worship, hear from God, pray and fellowship together. Our desire is to see more churches started and strengthened in the Midlands.
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Good News! Messages from Mark
[ 8 Episodes ]
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Cross Shaped
[ 4 Episodes ]
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Crossing the Divide
[ 4 Episodes ]
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Spirit Filled
[ 8 Episodes ]
We look at what it means for the church to be a Spirit filled community.
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Jesus is Better
[ 8 Episodes ]
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Faith in a Foreign Land
[ 7 Episodes ]
Daniel is a young man who had his whole world turned upside down. Like a tornado that tears though your house and destroys everything you own, Daniel experienced the invading armies of Babylon and was uprooted from his home and taken to live and serve, pretty much as a slave, under the tyrant Nebuchadnezzar. It was common practice in the culture to castrate slaves, and whilst the book of Daniel doesn’t confirm this, there is good reason to think he was probably made a eunuch. Daniel finds himself far from home in a land that’s far from God and living a life he never asked for. He was an outsider, with a terrible Boss, no sex life and no family prospects. Many Christians today speak as if God exists to help them live their dream life. Daniel was about as far from living the dream as you can get! And yet this young man is faithful to God amongst all the pressure of the culture, the injustice of his situation and the idolaters around him. He did not give up, he did not get bitter and resentful, he held fast to his faith in God. Today we live in a culture that is far from God. As believers we might feel a bit like Daniel; foreigners and exiles in our land. In fact, if we don’t then there is probably something very wrong. In this series we aim to look and learn from Daniel and how he managed to stay faithful to God in a foreign land. We are going to look at the first 6 chapters of Daniel as these focus on his life and what happened, then we will dip into chapter 7 to finish. Chapters 7-12 are about his dreams and vision so will not get into that here.
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Day of Favour
[ 9 Episodes ]
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Fight Club
[ 4 Episodes ]
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7 Wonders
[ 6 Episodes ]
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Easter Service
[ 1 Episodes ]
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Call and Culture
[ 10 Episodes ]
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Plan A - Capturing God's heart for the church
[ 6 Episodes ]
God's purpose for the church is so much bigger than we may realise. This series aims to unpack that by looking at 5 pictures the Bible gives for the church.
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Church Ignited
[ 10 Episodes ]
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Church Rebooted
[ 3 Episodes ]
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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith
[ 11 Episodes ]
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Back to Basics
[ 7 Episodes ]
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The Way of Faith
[ 2 Episodes ]
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Joy on the Inside
[ 8 Episodes ]
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[ 5 Episodes ]
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A Morning with...
[ 9 Episodes ]
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Encounters with Jesus
[ 7 Episodes ]
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Finding Freedom
[ 6 Episodes ]
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Life and Death
[ 2 Episodes ]
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Teach us to Pray
[ 7 Episodes ]
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The Kingdom is like...
[ 4 Episodes ]
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[ 7 Episodes ]
Our vision for this year is to multiply and mobilise. We have prepared for multiplication through multiplying groups and investing in more leaders. But how do we mobilise? And not just a few individuals who are passionate about evangelism, but as a whole church? This series seeks to answer that question.
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Hearing From God
[ 3 Episodes ]
We had the privilege of having Wendy Mann and a team from the King's Arms in Bedford spend a weekend with us, where we explored how we can become better at hearing God voice.
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[ 11 Episodes ]
This series explores the book of Acts. It looks to explore how the church was multiplied, starting from a small group of people and expanding to Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
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Real Jesus
[ 5 Episodes ]
The idea behind this series is that Jesus wasn’t just a good, loving person who taught some morality lessons (sermon on the mount). He was the very presence and power of God on the earth! We want to catch a fresh glimpse of who He was and what He did and realise we are called to follow in His footsteps and do what He did. God wants a church that looks like Jesus! We will pick out passages in the next section of Matthew, Chapters 8-10
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[ 5 Episodes ]
God is calling us to be a church that is full of the presence and power of God. Jesus didn’t die just to get us into heaven, He died to create a community of people who would seek to bring heaven to earth! Where do we start with this? Jesus said that we must change and become like children to enter the Kingdom, whoever takes the lowly position of a child is greatest in the kingdom and the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Matt 18:3-4 & 19:14).
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Who do you think you are?
[ 8 Episodes ]
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Who do you say I am
[ 7 Episodes ]
In this series we explore the names of God, in order to get to know him more personally, find out more of his character and allow that to bring about freedom.
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Finding Freedom
[ 3 Episodes ]
We had the privilege of having Wendy Mann and a team from the King's Arms in Bedford spend a weekend with us, where we explored how we can become better at finding freedom, with the desire to become free so that we can free others.
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The Sermon on the Mount
[ 13 Episodes ]
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[ 26 Episodes ]
Over a long period we have been working through the book of Matthew. Here we have a put a copy of all the sermons from the various series that make up our walk through Matthew.
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Fresh Faith
[ 5 Episodes ]
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[ 10 Episodes ]
In this series we look at the story of Exodus and discover how their story of redemption is also our story.
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Church Defined
[ 4 Episodes ]
In this series we look at 5 pictures that are used in the bible to describe the church.
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Kingdom Come
[ 11 Episodes ]
We live in a period of the Kingdom now and also the Kingdom not yet. We can often find ourselves living in the light of the Kingdom not yet and forget to press into the Kingdom now. In this series we look at how we should seek first His Kingdom now.
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The Fruitful Life
[ 5 Episodes ]
In this series we look at Jeremiah 17:5-10 and look at what it means to be make disciples and to be discipled.
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Upside Down
[ 8 Episodes ]
In this series we are looking at the Beatitudes, Jesus first teaching to the disciples, and how he turns their world upside down.
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[ 7 Episodes ]
Our vision at King's Church is to 'Follow Jesus and Reflect Jesus'. In this series we look to do that by studying Jesus, the Messiah, through the first few chapters of Matthew's gospel.
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Return Of The King
[ 15 Episodes ]
In this series we look through the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, focusing on the the theme of Christ's return. We learn to encourage one another with the words of these books, and live lives expectant and ready for Christ's return.
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A People Of God's Presence
[ 9 Episodes ]
As God's Church and as God's people, we are carriers of His presence into the world. In this series, Matt unpacks what that means for us and how we should respond.
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Ezra: Restoration Plan
[ 10 Episodes ]
In this series we look through the book of Ezra, learning how God restores the Israelites after exile, and the lessons we can learn for us today.
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I am Gifted
Ephesians 4:1-13
Matt finishes our series "Who do you think you are?" by looking at how we are all gifted and challenges us to use and grow our gifts.

Who do you think you are?
Matthew Weedall
I am a new creation
Ephesians 4:17-24
Will continues our "Who do you think you are series" and looks at how we are now new creations, and we therfore need to put off the old self and put on the new.

Who do you think you are?
William Pearce
I am Fathered
Ephesians 1:16-17
Matt speaks on knowing God as our Father and how this is a key truth we all need to grow in.

Who do you think you are?
Matthew Weedall
I am forgiven
Matt speaks on God's forgivness and the obsticles that can get in the way of living in the good of this truth.

Who do you think you are?
Matthew Weedall
I am Redeemed
Romans 6:15-18
Will continues our series "Who do you think you are?" by looking at the fact that we are Redeemed, and develops teh themes that we are no longer slaves to sin, but are now slaves to righteousness.

Who do you think you are?
William Pearce
I am Loved because I AM Loved
Adam continues our series looking at our new identity in Christ by unpacking the truth that we are loved. He shows how we are not loved in a wordly sense that is conditional, but as sons and daughters of a perfect Father whoes love unconditionally.

Who do you think you are?
Adam Bonfield
I am Chosen
This week Matt looks at the topic of predestination which reveals how God chose us and some of the implcations that has for us today.

Who do you think you are?
Matthew Weedall
I am Adopted
Matt introduces our new series called "Who do you think you are?" exploring our true identity in Christ. In this talk we look at the fundamental truth that we are adopted sons and daughters of a loving Father.

Who do you think you are?
Matthew Weedall

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