
Jesus told His disciples to go out into the world and make more disciples (Matthew 28:19). These were some of His last words before returning to be with God the Father, so we know they are of upmost importance.

We don’t believe the church is an audience to be entertained but rather and army that’s on the march! As a result we have a team called Mobilise that regularly goes out onto the streets of Leicester to show the love of God to people. We do this through acts of kindness, offering to pray and prophecy over people, and sharing the good news of Jesus where we can.

As we have embarked on this journey as a church we have found people come alive as they step out in courage and do something they thought they could never do. “I am more and more convinced that people don’t fulfil their destiny not because of a lack of training but because of a lack of courage” (Banning Liebscher). We can only fulfil our calling to make more disciples if we are prepared to step out of our comfort zones and push past fear. As we do that we find we start to grow and we start to realise this is what we were made to do! Also, we are increasingly finding that as we have said yes to this call to go as a church, our everyday lives have been affected so that we are able to be more courageous in being who God has made us to be in our own spheres of influence.

If you are interested in finding out more about our journey to mobilise as a church or would like more information on our mobilise events why not drop us an email.

Related Media
Mobilise - Why?

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Mobilise - How? Part 3

Mobilise - How? Part 2

Mobilise - How? Part 1

Mobilise - What?

Mobilise - Who? Part 2

Mobilise - Who? Part 1

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